Our novel carbon capture system is specifically being developed for small and micro-breweries who produce between 500 to 10,000 hL/year. It consists of two products:

  1. The carbon capture hardware
    Our carbon capture system consists of 5 components which purifies the emitted fermentation gas into liquid CO2 with food grade quality. These components are specifically downscaled for optimal cost-effectiveness while fitting in a system of only 1.5×1.5×2.5m.
  2. Tracking software
    Through the various sensors in our system we are developing a software which tracks relevant critical process parameters and the amount of CO2 captured. Allowing brewers to track these values 24/7 on their phone/laptop at the brewery or at home.

With these two products, craft breweries have:

  • Increased resource efficiency;
  • Increased profits;
  • Decreased carbon footprint;
  • Happier customers

Do you have any questions about our system? Want to collaborate? Feel free to contact us

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